Catch some comedy and learn at the same time at this educational and interactive game show hosted by creator Chris Duffy. The set-up: A panel of comedians (Karen Chee and Lisa Gilroy) play games and quiz a scientific expert (attraction and relationships expert Dr. Paul Eastwick) on their work. For this Valentine’s Day edition, the topic is the inner workings of romantic relationships and attachment. If you can’t make it to Dynasty Typewriter for the show, you can opt for a $7 livestream option.
Wrong Answers Only
Time Out says
- Event website:
- Address
- Dynasty Typewriter
- 2511 Wilshire Blvd
- Los Angeles
- 90057
- Price:
- $15, livestream $7
- Opening hours:
- 7:30–9pm, doors 6:30pm
Dates and times
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