Maybe you slept through the on-sale date for Hamilton at the Pantages Theatre. Or maybe you balked at the ticket prices—and doubly so at the resale prices. Well thank the Founding Fathers, because there's a way to score Hamilton tickets for cheap.
Just in time for the blockbuster Broadway musical's opening in L.A. tonight, Hamilton has launched an official smartphone app for the show's famous Ham4Ham ticket lottery. But unlike the longstanding New York lottery, you don't need to leave your bed for this one.
After registering on the iOS or Android app, or on the Lucky Seats website, you can tap a single button for a shot at a pair of $10 tickets. It's that simple.

The lottery opens at 11am two days prior to each performance date and closes at 9am on the day prior to that performance. If you win, you'll be notified at 11am the day before the show. Those times vary slightly for the opening weekend: you can enter for a chance to win tickets to today's performance as late as noon. While the digital lottery is only available in L.A. for now, a countdown within the app shows it's set to launch in New York and Chicago later this month.
Of course, since this is a branded smartphone app in 2017, it also comes with Hamilton stickers and a #HamCam. Our reaction?

We've already tested out the selfie cam—you know, for science—with these not-at-all embarrassing snaps.

Best of luck with tickets, Angelenos. We know we'll be adding this lottery to our morning ritual, because, well:

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