
Why one of your first four dates should be funny

Written by
Erin O'Brien

You went on a date, and there’s going to be another one, and perhaps maybe one more after that. Fast-forward: you’re at date number five. If you haven’t been to a comedy show yet, rewind! Comedy shows are a great chance to learn a lot about your compatibility.

Thankfully Los Angeles is crawling with comedy venues like the Groundlings TheatreiO WestUpright Citizen’s BrigadeWestside Comedy Theater and the Hollywood Improv. On any given night, you can see people stand on a stage to try to make you laugh, with everything from improv and sketch to story telling and stand-up. Pick your favorite format, and then watch your date closely (but not so closely that you miss the show).

Most obvious: what they laugh at will be indicative of their sense of humor. Do they crack up over fart jokes? Are they unamused by pop culture references you adore? Everyone is entitled to his or her own sense of humor and varying preferences are healthy in a relationship, but if you are appalled by the word “poop” while your date is in stitches, you may want to make sure you have other things in common before your next date.

Another important thing to note is body language. Although it seems weird to monitor another person’s body when you should be enjoying the entertainment in front of you, it’s worth a side glance or two to observe if your date is relaxed and enjoying the show...or seems uptight and uncomfortable, arms crossed, face grimaced.

Comedy evokes honesty, so it’s a great chance to learn a lot about your date while laughing. For example, some improv shows will ask the audience to participate to help set the scene. This could mean anything from audience members reading a tweet or airing dirty laundry, to everyone yelling a dirty word. Hilarity could ensue and/or you could be appalled by your date’s interaction or lack thereof. If you’re at a stand-up show, your date could either be a total delight, or worst-case scenario for many, a heckler. If this type of behavior is a deal-breaker, it’s better to know now than ten dates in! 

On the note, here's more on LA comedians and the joys of online dating:

Comedians describe DTLA in 5 words or less

5 online dating photos that won't get you laid

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