Way back in September, we reported that Waze was looking into changing their routing algorithm to send drivers on fewer tricky—occasionally even downright dangerous —turns at troublesome intersections. Today the driving directions app announced that the time has finally come.
You can now opt out of the vexation by choosing a new feature which bypasses what have been labeled "difficult intersections." The term refers to those intersections which have no traffic light, a steady flow of traffic, limited visibility or any combination of those factors. Turning or even cutting straight through these intersections can be stressful, particularly at the peak of rush hour, with cars either whizzing by without offering an opening or, worse yet, stuck still, blocking the box.
While it may seem like a small matter to many drivers, the update will be a particular boon to those just learning to drive or anyone who feels a bit more skittish making their way through busy traffic. The "difficult intersections" and the best work-arounds to avoid them were identified by feedback given by local LA drivers and through maps and municipal data provided by the city. Users are encouraged to continue to use the app to report any nasty intersection they feel may have been missed. (Road ragers, take note—just don't report and drive!)
By default, this feature will be turned on for all users in Los Angeles, though it can be disabled in settings. We’re also the first city in the world to see this roll out, with New Orleans next up to get the filter.

Photograph: Courtesy Waze