Want to feel really warm and fuzzy? Adorable dogs in Halloween costumes paid a visit to the Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA yesterday. The therapy dogs showed up in their best festive getups and made their way around the facility with volunteers, bringing treats and fun to some special kids.
The visit was organized by the UCLA People-Animal Connection, a group that has spent more than a decade focusing on animal therapy. Currently, the dogs in the PAC pack visit at least 1,000 patients each month. You can look at photos and bios of each of the therapy dogs on their website.
Below, you can watch a sweet video of the dogs visiting and playing with the kids and parents at the hospital.

If your heart is swelling with people-animal love right now, you can make a donation to support the PAC project. Lovers of dogs in Halloween costumes (which is to say, all people with hearts, right?) might also do well to make plans to head to Long Beach this weekend to get up close and personal with more festive Fidos.
The annual Haute Dogs Howl’oween Parade takes place on Sunday, October 30, at 2:30pm. Each year, more than 500 pooches show up in their costumes to walk the route. Awards are given out to the best costumes in a variety of categories, including best dog costume, best human costume and best dog “float,” which sounds just fantastic. In addition to the parade, there will be a variety of vendors, kids activities and adoption stations where you can meet your new dog (or cat or rabbit) buddy.
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