
Turn notifications on for these 11 LA Instagram accounts before the big feed change begins

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Time Out Los Angeles editors

Are you freaking out over Instagram's imminent algorithm change? You're not alone: recently feeds have been a flurry of posts urging followers to turn on notifications so as not to miss a moment of their favorite accounts. But do we really want notifications flooding our phones every time there's a new puppy/sunset/brunch post? Okay, maybe. But as we can't stay on top of every account out there, we made a list of LA Instagrammers you may actually want to consider turning on notifications for, to keep you in the know about what's up in the city.

The changes are rolling out slowly, so chances are you won't see any big differences right away—but sooner or later, the way we see posts will shift, and when it happens, these 11 accounts should remain front and center on your feed.

Can't get enough notifications?? Turn 'em on for our all-time favorite LA Instagrammers, our favorite LA pet Instagram accounts and our favorite LA foodie accounts.

1. @hangrydiary

Not only is this account filled with gorgeous photography, but it features beyond-cute food that has a tendency that make us squeal: ice cream cones in the shape of koalas and elephants, Mickey Mouse cakes, puff pastries shaped like chicks. Plus, those sushi shots.


A photo posted by Hangrydiary (@hangrydiary) on

2. @lacma

Whether it’s learning about a new program or exhibit or just peeking at LACMA’s beautiful pieces, the museum’s account keeps us up to date on what's new and cool on the grounds (especially now that LACMA Local has launched).

3. @joshuatreenps

Joshua Tree’s official feed provides a daily dose of wanderlust-inducing beauty. Maybe we’d get more done if we weren’t always drooling over photos of the dreamlike desert landscape and planning our next camping trip, but our days would be much dimmer.

4. @cinefamily

Not only does this account keep us apprised of everything that's happening at the Cinefamily, it's a weird and wacky romp through classic, cult and forgotten cinema, always blowing our minds, making us laugh (or blush) and teaching us something new.


A photo posted by @cinefamily on

5. @shopmyrtle

There are tons of cute shops across the city with great accounts, but what sets Myrtle apart is the frequency with which they post, and their tendency to model what's in the shop right now on cool local ladies with body types as varied as the clothes on offer.


A photo posted by shopmyrtle (@shopmyrtle) on

6. @5everyday

Local LA band Yacht has made it their mission with this account to discover and share all that's hip and hidden in the city. They strike a fine balance between old-school, dive-y spots and new, buzzworthy additions to our bucket list.


A photo posted by 5 Every Day (@5everyday) on

7. @copterpilot

Copter Pilot posts images from some of the best arial photographers in Los Angeles. The unique, and stunning, photos from their excursions above LA are posts you won’t want to miss.

8. @modernhiker

Lucky for us, we can hike year-round here in LA. Even luckier? We have this account to keep us up to date on which trails are open and, more specifically, when wildflowers are blooming and waterfalls are flowing. We'd be lost (maybe literally) without it.


A photo posted by Modern Hiker (@modernhiker) on

8. @nerdmelt

The NerdMelt Showroom manages its account like a comedy calendar alert system—which sounds like it would be annoying, except for the fact nearly every show is worth attending. Mix in some live shots and we question why we aren’t at Meltdown right now.

9. @weownthenight_la

This killer account posts photos from a network of photographers who explore LA under the cover of darkness. Their posts are guaranteed to show us Los Angeles like we’ve never seen it before.

10. @valleyfattyguy

We could gain ten pounds just by looking at this account, which highlights pizza, burritos, subs, tacos and pretty much anything dripping with grease. There’s a strong focus on the SFV, giving the Valley some much-needed food love.


A photo posted by @valleyfattyguy on

11. @timeoutla

Bringing you the best of the city every day—it's what we do!


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