
Today is the first day of fall but temperatures are rising into the 90s

Written by
Seth Kelley

Today, September 23, is the first official day of fall, according to whomever decides that seasons start on a particular day. (Actually, if we want to get technical about it, nature decides—September 23 is the autumnal equinox, one of the two times each year when the sun sets 12 hours after it rises everywhere around the world.) That means here in Los Angeles, we are going to be greeted by a season known for pleasant pumpkin patches, ordering soup instead of a salad and yet another heat wave.

According to the forecast from the National Weather Service, in Downtown LA temperatures will enter the 90s over the next few days, peaking at 94 degrees on Saturday. Today’s high is predicted at 87 degrees, tomorrow will reach 92 and Sunday with drop ever so slightly to 91. We’ve experienced this kind of heat over the past few weeks, but that doesn’t mean we will ever get used to it. Yet despite the heat, the start of fall does mean a few things for us Angelenos:

There are 37 days until Halloween

There are 63 days until Thanksgiving

There are 92 days until Christmas 

In LA, we're used to having to pretend that it's fall—but usually we're wearing our jackets and sipping on fall brews in 75 degree weather, not this 90 degree nonsense. However you choose to celebrate the beginning of the season — whether it be with a PSL, an Oktoberfest cheer, or the first steps toward your meticulously designed topical, yet comical Halloween costume — fall is here, so let’s celebrate… indoors with the AC turned up on full blast.

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