
The weirdest ingredients that can be found in LA's juice bars

Written by
Taylor Strekel

Juice bars are now so trendy that once-novel ingredients such as kale, dates and turmeric have become commonplace. The average health fanatic doesn’t think twice about adding beets or a sprinkle of chia seeds to their drink. But what about activated charcoal? It sounds more useful in a barbecue than to replenish your body, yet it and other seemingly strange ingredients on this list are appearing on LA juice bar menus to distinguish themselves from the competition. Would you try these odd add-ins? Which ones are here to stay?

Moon Juice

Moon Juice considers itself more than a juice bar: “It’s a healing force, an etheric potion, a cosmic beacon for those seeking out beauty, wellness and longevity.” Highlighting the “otherworldly” experience is the option to add Moon Dust to any drink. According to their menu, Moon Dusts are “transformative formulas that work synergistically at the deepest level to elevate your cosmic body, beauty and consciousness from the inside out." Your choices of Moon Dust include Brain Dust, Beauty Dust and Sex Dust.

Juice Crafters

Fulfill your summer lemonade craving with the Charcoal Lemonade from Juice Crafters, which contains activated charcoal, agave, lemon and H20. It is used as a detoxifier to support a healthy brain and body. Charcoal is made from coal, wood or other substances. It becomes “activated charcoal” when it is introduced to high temperatures and an activating substance that expands its surface area.

Clover Juice

Clover’s Pink Chia drink features prickly pear cactus, which is known to improve digestion, lower cholesterol and stimulate bone growth. There’s no need to worry about getting an unpleasant prick though because the spines are removed before use. The same chlorophyll that aids in photosynthesis in plants is found in their Clean Green juice. It is known to encourage wound healing, curb hunger and control body odor.

Green Grotto Juice Bar

We’re calling it: "asparagus is the new kale." Green Grotto’s the Spice of Life anti-aging juice is packed with the green veggie. Its high amount of antioxidants fights free radicals that can slow down the aging process. In addition, the amino acid asparagine is a natural diuretic that helps rid the body of excess salt.

SunLife Organics

SunLife Organics’ the Billion Dollar Smoothie is filled with things you’ve never even heard of. Coconut meat and hemp milk is as tame as it gets. The Four Sigmatic 10 mushroom blend is a mix of 10 different types of mushrooms including Lion’s Mane. To top if off, there’s buffered vitamin-C crystals, goat colostrum and MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil. You’re sure to feel like a million bucks after drinking this.

The Punchbowl

Try the Kejiwa Kombucha if you feel like ingesting some gem essence. Go on a date and try the “his and hers” drinks. The For Him is made with pineapple, tongkat ali, pine pollen and nettle root. For Her contains evening primrose oil, yam, Dong Quai, carrot, ashwagandha and maca.

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