
The seven types of people you’ll encounter shopping in Beverly Hills

Written by
Galen Stoeber

Beverly Hills carries with it a lot of stereotypes—some true and some completely inaccurate. It can embody the image that out-of-town, corn-fed Americans have of LA, but it's nevertheless a world-renowned shopping destination. The patrons who stroll into some of the area's most high-end shops are, to put it lightly, eccentric (as an employee of one of those stores, I deal with them on a regular basis). They can be equally infuriating and entertaining, but rarely dull. Here are the seven types of people you'll encounter while shopping in Beverly Hills.

The tourist who thinks a school sweater is fashion: A sweater or jacket with your school's name or mascot isn't something you should be wearing in public (or even in your own home).

The incredibly smelly man: These guys seem to bathe in oils and cologne, believing that the strong scent that they create is a good thing. The strength of their odor is matched only by their arrogance, and they can usually be found driving a Swingback and wearing a blue velour jumpsuit.

The bougie woman who wears a single designer: An affinity for a designer label is one thing, but wearing Chanel from head to toe (including makeup) is another story.

The shopper who came straight from the gym: There's nothing wrong with going for a hike or taking a spin class, but it's probably not the best decision to head to a high-end department store immediately after. 

The celebrity: Beverly Hills is rife with the rich and famous, but sometimes the stars head into stores to get their makeup done for free (sometimes even inviting unsuspecting employees over for tea on their day off).

The fashion queen: They'll walk in wearing high heels and carrying an expensive bag. They'll take off their sunglasses, but won't acknowledge anyone unless they absolutely have to.

The hungover employee: They'll complain all day long about how tired they are, and they're usually wearing the same outfit from the night before. They might still be drunk, though, which can be mildly entertaining. 

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