
The pros and cons of baseball season in LA, just in time for the Dodgers' opening home game

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Time Out Los Angeles editors
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Thomas Hawk

The Dodgers have their first home game of the 2016 season tomorrow, Tuesday April 12 (at 1:10pm against the Arizona Diamondbacks, if you're interested), which means baseball season will have officially begun in LA. We couldn't be more excited (peanuts! cracker jack! doyer dogs!), although there are also a few downsides to America's favorite pastime being such a big deal in our city. Here, we list out the game-related pros and cons we'll experience over the next six months.

The pros

1. Free fireworks! (If you know where to park or hike.)

2. Those days when your boss lets you go home early because she's going to the game.

3. Your sunflower seed habit ceases to look quite so strange.

4. Beer just tastes better in the stands.

5. Bobbleheads!

6. Dodger Yoga!

7. So many babes on the field....

8. It's a perfect excuse to check out Echo Park before or after the game.

9. The bars are always full, so you know exactly where to go if you're a baseball fan, single and ready to mingle.

10: There are twice as many danger dog carts out.

The cons

1. There are twice as many danger dog carts out.

2. There's no parking anywhere in Echo Park—and good luck trying to have a quiet night out at Kush or Ostrich Farm on game nights.

3. The distant sound of fireworks wakes you up, scares you/your dog, and is just generally pretty annoying.

4. Elysian Park Avenue—er, we mean Vin Scully Avenue—is backed up onto Sunset Boulevard for hours on game days.

5. Rowdy fans turn Echo Park into a blue sea of bros on otherwise lovely summer evenings.

6. Drunk driving is a problem. Call a Lyft, you dummies!

7. Dodger fans are a little aggressive—make damn sure you're not accidentally wearing the opposing team's colors if you're anywhere near the stadium.

8. So. many. sunburns.

Where do you land? Are you pro Dodger season, or already wishing it was October? Have any pros and cons of your own to add? Let us know in the comments section below.

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