This week in off-color Trump news, a mysterious artist by the name of Ginger has installed a life-size, anatomically correct nude statue of Donald Trump looking his very Drumpfiest outside of the Wacko Soap Plant in Los Feliz. (Warning: Photos below Not Suitable For Work or Really Anytime Ever.)
The same statues, all titled with plaques reading "The Emperor Has No Balls," have also popped up in New York, San Francisco, Cleveland and Seattle, and are the work of anarchist art collective INDECLINE (the same folks who plastered the Hollywood Walk of Fame with names of victims of police brutality earlier this year).
This isn't the first time Trump's, ah, personal assets have been attacked (remember this little number?), and we're sure the Donald can't be too happy with today's effigies. There's no telling how long the statue will be around, so if you've always wanted a selfie with a veiny, naked Trump—here's your chance.
Check out the video below to see the Trumps being made.