One of our favorite free neighborhood fests is back for its sixth annual weekend of music, comedy and art. From Thursday, August 18, to Sunday, August 21, the streets of Echo Park will play host to a variety of live music (produced by Spaceland Presents and the Echo), comedy shows, art exhibits and special offerings from local businesses. Years past have seen tarot card readings, a mani/pedi truck, vintage clothing sales and even a costumed marching band roaming the streets. The fest will also feature craft beer gardens and local food trucks along Liberty Street (the tiny side street home to neighborhood favorite and longtime EPR host Taix) and Sunset Boulevard.
The good thing about this way-in-advance announcement? If you're interested in volunteering, having your band play or having your venue host, there's time to make it happen.
Stay tuned for more in-depth food and lineup announcements on the Echo Park Rising website. Already know you're in? Admission is free, but you can still RSVP here.
Check out photos of past Echo Park Rising revelry here.