
October in review: the best things we did all month

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Time Out Los Angeles editors

October has been quite the month—think sweltering heat, disastrous weather warnings, Halloween festivities—but now it's time to reflect. We decided to choose our favorite memories of the past month. These are their stories... (DUN DUN).

Michael: Day of the Dead at Hollywood Forever has become one of my most looked forward to events each year. I went this month for the third year in a row and it was as spectacular as always: calaca costumes, elaborate headdresses and stunning face painting.


Really love this altar at #ladayofthedead. #lagram

A photo posted by Michael Juliano (@mjuliano) on

Stephanie: This month I had the opportunity to travel to South Bend, Ind., to watch USC take on its biggest rival, Notre Dame. We may have lost, but the amount of Angelenos who took the trek to show their Southern California pride was incredible.


USC v Notre Dame

A photo posted by @stephiecary on

Cezara: This month I had an absolute blast witnessing bicycles overrun Downtown Los Angeles at CicLAvia. I even got to hang out with Gedde Watanabe, who stopped by our Time Out LA booth (he's the actor who played Long Duck Dong in Sixteen Candles)—is it just me, or do we make a pretty cute couple?


What's happening, hot stuff? Long Duck Dong, you're my fav💕👋🏻😎 // #sixteencandles #cicLAgram #LAgram

A photo posted by Cezara Popa (@cezpopa) on

Kate: I celebrated a good friend’s birthday at Moonlight Rollerway—I’m terrified every time I put on roller skates, but one of the rink regulars befriended us and even taught us how to skate backward. Bonus: Even though there’s no booze allowed (with good reason), they have sparkling cider in the vending machine for toasts!


there was cake and no one broke any bones. happy birthday @heatherisradder!

A photo posted by @kate_em_up on

Seth: I did a lot of really great stuff this month, but I really just want to share this picture. When my friend came in from out of town, three of us got together for Korean BBQ, but forgot to take a photo to post all over the Internet (how else is anyone supposed to know that we had fun?!). Later that night I made everyone take a selfie and created this collage. Nothing quite as beautiful as a manufactured memory!


(reenactment based on true events)

A photo posted by Seth (@sethmkelley) on

Erin: I checked out the new Button Mash in Echo Park, and it made me feel like a kid again—a kid eating really, really good food from Starry Kitchen, drinking great beer (like this adorable can of Suiyoubi No Neko) and dying over and over again in Pac-Mania.


Oh my gawwwwwd. 😻😻 #beer #buttonmash #barcade #catlife

A photo posted by Erin Kuschner (@erinito) on

Erick: Two weeks ago I spent a Sunday night at Time Out and Rooftop Film Club's outdoor screening of Sunset Boulevard. Nothing better than spending time in Hollywood, surrounded by stars (on the ground and up in the sky).

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