
Now that the LA Marathon is over, here are 5 local races you should run

Written by
Justin Cross
Want to keep running? Good. Just don't trip over this guy's hair.
Photograph: Jakob N. Layman | Want to keep running? Good. Just don't trip over this guy's hair.

So, we get it...running another 26.2 may not be top-of-mind as you wince up-and-down even the smallest sets of stairs. But after dedicating so much time training for Sunday's LA Marathon... building leg strength, increasing lung capacity and rubbing Vaseline all over your body... now what? Or maybe you passed out pretzels and cookies to runners, made a sign and cheered... or stayed in bed and slept in. But as good as that bed felt, now you are inspired. Here are five local races you should run while you're still in LA marathon shape that may or may not have been advertised through a flier on your windshield yesterday.

1. Dole Great Race of Agoura Hills. The LA Marathon isn't the only Southern California race celebrating their 30th anniversary this year. The Great Race of Agoura will ring in the big 3-0 with six different races (from 5K to half-marathon) all on picturesque courses that mix road and trail. With the race on March 28, you'll have just enough LA Marathon recovery time to feel fresh for this one. Oh, and did we mention the best post-race party in LA? Sign-up now as race spots are closing quickly.

2. Hollywood Half Marathon & 5K/10K. This race features a photo backdrop with a red carpet and a pace car called, "Red Mist." But would you expect anything different from Hollywood? While everyone gets a Hollywood star medal at the end, the elite runners (and yes, they're good) are competing for prize money in the top spots. This is one that's grown strongly in popularity as taking to the empty streets of Hollywood is a rarity. Of course, it wouldn't be Hollywood without it's own well-shot and edited promotional video...

3. Tacos & Beer 5K. So, you still want to be friends with the marathon but don't want anything serious? Try this Cinco de Mayo-themed Long Beach race that is flat, fast and most of all, fun. Your registration for the May 2 race includes two tacos, a beer and yes, a mechanical bull at the end of it. 

or if you're not a beer drinker, Santa Monica will host...

4. The Chardonnay Run. "Race then taste" is the mantra for this inaugural national 5K series that takes place in other cities around the country including Chicago, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco. The race is on May, if you're not sore from the previous day's 5K and/or mechanical bull ride, head over to the beach and kick-off Sunday Funday.

5. Your local 4th of July Race. It may come as no surprise that there are a slew of races around town to celebrate our nation's independence. This year, the 4th falls on a Saturday which is an ideal race day. With afternoon parties and evening fireworks on your mind, there's no way you can wrong with a morning race. My advice...stay local. No need to have to wake up at some god-awful hour for a race across town when the rest of your day is going to be spent partying in the name of 'Merica. 

This interactive map gives you an idea of how many races are taking place on the 4th. Here's a more complete list.

Photograph: Courtesy of Running in the USA/Google Maps

Like pictures? Check out... 

The LA Marathon 2015 in photos and the best photos of the LA Marathon spotlights

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