
Notorious 'murder mansion' in Los Feliz sells for millions

Written by
Brittany Martin

Let’s say you finally find the home of your dreams—and you have the $2.3 million on hand to buy it—but it comes with one little catch: it happens to be the site of a notorious, grizzly murder. What would you do?

One couple in Los Feliz have decided to just buy the place and try to shrug off the creepy past, according to NBC4

The story that earned 2475 Glendower Place a spot on the ghost-hunter map took place on a night back in December of 1959. The seemingly-normal family that lived in the house—Dr. Harold Perelson, his wife and three children—were asleep in their beds. Then, for reasons which remain unsolved, Perelson felt overcome with a sudden violent frenzy in which he bludgeoned his wife to death with a hammer. When his oldest daughter woke from the noise and confronted him, he attacked her as well, though she managed to survive. Then Perelson killed himself.

While investigations would suggest that there may have been financial problems in the Perelson family, no clear explanation for the murder was ever made public, which only played into the morbid imaginations of urban-legend spinners who have embellished on the tale ever since. There have occasionally been reports of ghost sightings, but it seems to be more of a general air of mystery about the killing that keeps rumors about the residence going.

After the crime, the house was sold to a family who then passed it on to their son, who left it vacant for years until his death last year. The house then went into probate until the current buyers came along.

Since 1959, there has not been another crime or mystery behind the spooky mansion’s door—or, at least, not that we know about.  

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