
Mark your calendars: L.A. Beer Week Early Bird tickets go on sale Friday

Written by
Erin Kuschner

If LA Beer Week seems to have suddenly appeared on your radar—don't worry, you're not drunk. The annual festival is taking place a full three months earlier than last year, in breweries and bars across the city from June 20-28. This Friday, April 3, Early Bird tickets for the June 20 kickoff party will go on sale at noon: $40 for General Admission (which includes 25 drink tickets); VIP for $65 (one hour of early admission that doesn't require drink tickets). Can't snag an Early Bird ticket in time? GA tickets will also go on sale on May 1 for $45, while VIP tickets will stay at $65.

The kickoff festival will be held on the south lawn of Exposition Park, a decidedly larger venue than last year to accommodate a bigger crowd and more entertainment: two stages featuring live music and educational panels, a VIP tent pouring specialty beers, games, a photobooth, and more food and beer selections. Over 70 breweries will be in attendance, and you can expect to see a lot of your local favorites—Highland Park Brewery, Smog City, El Segundo Brewing and more. And you can totally steal your glass because, uh, it comes with your admission ticket.

A full list of events during the seven-day festival has yet to come out, but here are a few events officially on the books:

June 22: Pink Boots LA Takeover at Three Weavers Brewing
June 23: Eagle Rock Brewery's Battle of the Bands at The Echo (let's hope the brewery brings back their Brewer's Brunch, too!)
June 24: Meeting of the Guilds at Naja's Place

We'll keep you updated as the event list rolls out, but for now you can snag a ticket here, track #LABW7 on Instagram and Twitter, and start preparing your liver by visiting some of the best beer bars in LA.

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