Yep, you read that right. L.A.'s most innovative new comedy shows are happening in regular folks' backyards, as organizers seek out unique alfresco venues across the city, from Silver Lake to Venice. The beer and laughs flow freely, and there's always a house party to close out the evening—even the opossums are invited. Here are four of our favorites.
On the first Sunday of the month, comedians Peggy Sinnott and Zach Noe Towers host comics in the cozy backyard of a Los Feliz artists' collective, where muffins, pastries and mimosas are available by donation. Furthering the afternoon brunch theme is the relaxed vibe of the show: Only four or five comics fill the bill so that each can do a longer set, while several in the audience lounge on blankets or in beach chairs they bring from home (about 40 chairs are also provided). Nov 6, Dec 4 at 1pm; $5.

Brew Haha
You don't have to play each night's prescribed drinking game ("drink whenever a comic does an impression!") to enjoy this always-packed and three-years-running show, but joining in does add to the whole parents-out-of-town vibe. Comic Brad David Silnutzer hosts stand-ups in front of 120 seats in co-producer Marissa Gallant's Silver Lake backyard; the show also screens via projector to 40 more seats stationed in the front yard. Beer and liquor are on offer (and tips are welcome), or you can BYOB. Oct 15 at 8:30pm; free.
When Joe O'Brien noticed his Los Feliz backyard was naturally tiered like a stage, he thought of a way to make the party come to him. In this cozy setting—just 40 seats and standing room—Tyler Riggers and Matthew Kugler host stand-ups and, to thank O'Brien for use of the space, make fun of him from the stage. You can BYOB, but the guys do provide beer, water and chips. Oct 21, Nov 18 at 9pm; free.

Comedy at the Manor
When a friend offered up his sizable Venice house as a venue, Comedy at the Manor producers and hosts Billy Bonnell, Greg Santos and Ben Blanchard immediately knew what they'd call their DIY show—and that they'd do it in formal wear. Grab one of the 130 chairs, and laugh at stand-ups, improvisers and musical comics. There's beer and sangria, and afterward, DJ Klean plays tunes inside. Email for information. Dec 10 at 8pm; $5.
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