
Justin Bieber to perform free show in Los Angeles

Written by
Stephanie Morino

Calling all Beliebers, your man Justin Bieber will perform a free concert in Los Angeles on November 12. The concert is for an upcoming episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and will take place at an outdoor location. Hopefully they warn us in advance to avoid the area and all the screaming teenage girls who will be flocking there.

The details of the "free" concert are unclear, but we imagine that if you're a member of Ellen's audience that day, you're in. If you're not that lucky, you can enter to win free tickets via a contest that was announced earlier this week on Twitter by both Justin and Ellen

Ellen's "You Won't Belieb Your Eyes" sweepstakes is open now through November 1. To enter, watch The Ellen DeGeneres Show every day this week. A clip of Justin will air at some point during each episode. From there, you have to go onto the Ellen DeGeneres Show's website. After that, the details get a little blurry, but you can find a full explanation of the contest online.  

We won't be entering the contest, but we will be checking Twitter daily to make sure we avoid the mass hysteria that's sure to ensue. 

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