
I have this friend Lara (25, straight)

Written by
Kate Wertheimer

Single readers, you're in luck. Each week, Time Out will feature one of our very own smart, sexy, eligible buddies for your potential dating pleasure. No crazies, no creeps, no pressure. Enjoy!

Do you have a single friend who's a total catch? Nominate them below.

Lara was recommended by her friend Jennifer: "I have this friend, Lara. She's a lover of animals, a hugger of people, a drinker of drinks, a haver of fun, a rider of motorcycles and an overall captain of all things badass. She's pretty much guaranteed to look cooler than you at all times, but don't worry, she'll help you with your outfit, too. If you asked her to fight a bear for you, she would—just know that the bear will fall in love with her and you will all be laughing it off and exchanging recipes by the end of the night. What I'm trying to say is, this is pretty much the sweetest, most awesome person you'll ever meet, and I know Gandhi, so that's saying something."

Here's Lara, in her own words:

What’s at the top of your LA bucket list? I honestly have done it all as a native… but I’ve always wanted to dress up as a tourist, fanny pack/Hawaiian shirt and all, and ride one of those double-decker Hollywood tour buses to see what all the excitement is about.

What's your favorite neighborhood? I’m loyal to the Westside—maybe by default, being born and raised here. I love the small-town beach vibes, the surf community, biking everywhere and being barefoot without people looking at me funny. Venice is the best. It’s a little bit funky, a little bit rock 'n' roll, and has a lot of art, history and soul.

Beach, mountains or desert? Mountains! I love camping and hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. Being in the mountains is a sensory overload in the best way—I always feel very alive.

What are three must-have items you'd stash in your earthquake kit (aside from the necessities)? A mystery novel, a deck of cards and a bottle of Bulleit Bourbon.

FYF, Burning Man or the LA Phil? I would rather road trip to Texas for Psych Fest!

What's your favorite bar in LA? My watering hole is the Blind Barber in Culver City. It's this cool little speakeasy-type bar hidden behind a barber shop and it’s got an amazing selection of artisan grilled cheeses. It’s my favorite place to go unwind after work with a beer and neighborhood friends.

What fictional LA character would you most like to spend the day with? I definitely want to get down to Haddaway with Steve and Doug Butabi from A Night at the Roxbury!

Think you and Lara might hit it off? Shoot her an email at (include a photo!) and let the sparks fly.

Still looking? Meet our other sexy single friends.

If you've got a great single friend that should be featured here, send us an email at or nominate them below.

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