The Tournament of Roses Parade, more commonly referred to as the Rose Parade, has been a long-standing New Year tradition since 1890. It has evolved from its initial day of polo races and horse-drawn carriages to over-the-top motorized floats and marching bands. Thousands were in attendance even on a gloomy Monday morning, filling a 5.5-mile stretch of Pasadena. The theme for this year was "Echoes of Success," but animal floats were the most popular attraction as a mind-blowing float with real surfing dogs had everyone collectively sighing, among many others. Inevitably, a Harambe float was present. Pop culture also reigned supreme with a Bachelor float coinciding with Nick Viall's season starting and a really cute Little Prince float by Netflix to remind us that we can stream the movie now. Olympic diver Greg Louganis served as Grand Marshal and Los Angeles also reaffirmed its bid to host the Olympics in 2024. Check out the photos below.
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