FYF Fest has shed most of its anti-establishment demeanor in favor of being the kind of music festival that attracts a Spike Jonze-directed Frank Ocean and Brad Pitt collaboration. But there's still some 'tude left to the hometown event. Cast in point, its name: Fuck Yeah Fest... Fest.
Since the fest is now in its potty-mouthed teenage years, we thought we'd celebrate its penchant for four-letter words. We asked some of our favorite performers at FYF Fest 2017 to share their favorite curse words, as well as what they would name their own festivals.
If you haven't inferred already, there's some pretty salty language ahead, so just a heads up.
Beach Fossils

Photograph: Rozette Rago
Dustin Payseur: My favorite cuss word is "peepeepoopoo," but as one word. It has to be all one word. No hyphens, it's all straight, almost like a hashtag.
Jack Doyle Smith: I think my favorite one is "shitbitch," one word. Because I don't really know what it means if it's one word. They're both swears, but together it's powerful. Also, "shitfather" is a good one.
Tommy Davidson: The one that involuntarily comes out that I learned at an early age that feels the most natural phonetically—which is why it's my favorite—is "scheiße." I think my uncle, who was in the army, might've said it and then I get it from there. I was playing Halo at my neighbor's house one day when I was 12 or 13 and his mom was doing laundry in the basement, and I was like "scheiße"! And she was like, "Tommy, I know what that means." I got caught. Editor's Note: "Shit."
Festival name: Shitfather Fest. Psychoscenario Headstorm. The Spaghetti Boys Presents Elegant French Redneck Presents Kronk Fest. Foss Haus on Elegant Mountain.
Cap'n Jazz

Photograph: Rozette Rago
Sam Zurick: "Well fuck me sideways." It's like "shiver me timbers."
Victor Villarreal: I would say—because I just lost my glasses in the fucking ocean—I would say "I can't see shit from Shinola."
Tim Kinsella: I like to say "zoinks."
Festival name: The "Let's All Have A Good Time, Gang" Festival. The Fuck You Fest. ("My mom thinks that's what it's called," says Victor. "She's like, 'So what time are you going on at Fuck You?'")
Hundred Waters

Photograph: Rozette Rago
Zach Tetreault: "Fuck" is a real household favorite.
Nicole Miglis: I'm going to do the feminist one and say "cunt" because it's funny that it's so offensive. There's no equivalent—the word can be so offensive and shocking.
Trayer Tryon: "Penis wrinkle." That's like an eight-year-old one.
Festival name: We have a festival—it's called FORM Arcosanti.
The Drums

Photograph: Rozette Rago
Jonathan Pierce: A lot of my life is reactionary against my childhood. It would probably be "fuck," because I like to live in a space that's as far away from this weird Christian youth that I had where I wasn't allowed to do anything. When I moved to New York and finally left all of that abuse, I was going to the seediest gay clubs I could find, doing the darkest drugs, doing anything to make me feel like I was nowhere near where I came from. So I think "fuck" is probably the most extreme.
Festival name: I would just call it "Hell."
Mura Masa

Photograph: Rozette Rago
Alex Crossan: I do really like "fuck." There's something about that hard "F" sound at the front that just makes it really expressive. "Shit's" kinda fun as well.
Festival name: I have a little label imprint I run called Anchor Point so maybe AP Sound or Anchor Point Fest or Anchor Fest.
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