One of the best parts about watching Love, the hilarious romantic comedy series on Netflix starring Paul Rust and Gillian Jacobs, is seeing familiar sights and situations that make living in Los Angeles such a fun, frustrating and unique experience. The show does a great job highlighting both the city's good and weird with a touch of affection.
It's also pretty darn accurate. The characters walk to places sparingly, end up in weird parties at some rich dude's house on a hill, and work in the entertainment industry. As we prepare to binge watch season two, we look back on the best local filming locations from season one.

Springwood Apartments
In real life: Formerly known as Oakwood Apartments, now called Toluca Hills Apartments
When the teenage study abroad students said they would miss the "drug dealers, child actors and sad divorce guys," they were only slightly kidding. This giant complex with buildings from A to Z is located right across the street from Universal Studios and not too far from Warner Brothers, so it's not unusual to find actors staying here during filming or dozens of child actors from different parts of the country in town for an audition. Gus living here makes sense because he works for a TV actress who probably films about a mile away.

A very hip retro diner
IRL: Brite Spot
Brite Spot used to occupy a large space in people's hearts because they were reliable, especially after drinking an irresponsible amount of alcohol at the Gold Room or Little Joy. Walking in felt like coming home with a warm meal waiting. Unfortunately, the diner recently changed their hours and they now close at 3pm everyday. We'll always have the memories.

A quick smoke at the gas station
IRL: We Got It! at United Oil
This is where the geography of the show becomes weird because Gus lives all the way in Toluca Lake, while this gas station is actually located in Echo Park, so this can't possibly be his walkable neighborhood convenience store. But since this is fictional, let's suspend our disbelief and just accept that this meet cute at the Sunset Boulevard gas station can happen.

Artsy walk down Sunset Boulevard
IRL: Plenty of murals, everywhere
As the unofficial mural capital of the U.S., these large artworks aren't exclusive to the Eastside. This iconic piece can be found at the northeast corner of Sunset Boulevard and Echo Park Avenue. It was made over the course of a year (maybe a little more) and was completed in 2002 by artist Ricardo Mendoza.

IRL: Yes, Silver Lake has dozens of stairs.
It's not unusual to walk down Sunset Boulevard and find a set of stairs leading up to another street. Los Angeles has so many stairs that there are several Meetup groups dedicated to conquering them. Most of these are located in the Eastside, specifically Silver Lake and Echo Park.

Epic first date with Bertie
IRL: Carondelet House, an event space
Unfortunately, you can't have your own version of that epic first date between Gus and Bertie at this brick-walled establishment because it's actually an event space. You can host your wedding here though! Thankfully, Los Angeles has no shortage of romantic restaurants.

A wild night with Andy Dick
IRL: Harvard and Stone
There's no mistaking those distressed walls even under different lighting, that's East Hollywood favorite Harvard and Stone, known for their great cocktails and burlesque shows.

Harassing people on the Metro with Andy Dick
IRL: You probably shouldn't.
There's already a shortage of Metro riders as it is, so it's probably best to refrain from scaring the brave Angelenos who do ride it everyday. Unless it's No Pants Subway Ride day, of course.

Last, but not least: someone's car
IRL: There's no escaping it.
Hey, if you live in Los Angeles, you already knew this and you've probably already accepted it. Maybe you even love it now. Plenty of time for podcasts and listening to albums from start to finish!
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