Want to look hip and high-brow this Halloween? We've got some top-notch topical Halloween costume ideas for you, pulled directly from some of the city's best art exhibits. Slap on some tinsel, cotton balls or string lights and you've got yourself a conversation piece for any Halloween party. Take selfies!

Liquid Shard
This is any easy one. Buy all the tinsel you can find. Attach said tinsel to your body, then undulate slowly wherever you go.

Doug Aitken's Migration (Empire)
Find a stuffed animal owl and wear him on your shoulder or head. Paste feathers to your entire body, and keep some in your pocket to throw like confetti for effect.

Another easy one. Cover your body with cotton balls (spray painting some of them in a soothing blue shade could be a nice touch), and keep your phone in your pocket playing an LA Phil compilation.

"Intrude" glowing bunnies
Dress all in white with a pair of bunny ears and a tail. You have some lighting options here; strategically placed mini flashlights, flexible tube lighting, string lights... we suggest wearing another, sheer layer of white over the lights to really nail that glow effect.

Rain Room
Fashion yourself a black hat, kind of like a graduation cap, but make the square is much bigger. Attach string (rain) around the edges of the hat—be sure the brim is wide enough so that the string falls around you but doesn't actually touch you. Voila!

Infinity Room
Wear all black, cover yourself in teeny tiny string lights and hold your phone in front of you the entire night. When someone asks what you are, take them into a bathroom, turn off the lights and let yourself shine in the mirror. The effect won't be an exact replica, but they'll get it.

Turrell's Breathing Light
This is a complicated one, but totally worth it. Put together monochromatic outfits in different shades. Put one on, throw the rest in a bag and stash it somewhere when you get to your party. At regular intervals throughout the night, excuse yourself, grab the bag and find somewhere to change into a different colored outfit. Feel free to throw in some Drake dad-dance moves as an added bonus.
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