What do you get when you combine frat bros, satire, sex, gore, horror and Patton Oswalt? We're not entirely sure, but Cinefamily is pretty confident that we'll like it. From September 4-6, dubbed Dude Bro Weekend, they'll be screening Dude Bro Massacre III, the gory gonzo brainchild of viral video superstars 5 Second Films.

Here's a quick synopsis:
"In the wake of two back-to-back mass murders on Chico’s frat row, loner Brent Chirino must infiltrate the ranks of a popular fraternity to investigate his twin brother’s murder at the hands of the serial killer known as "Motherface." But fear not genre fiends, plot gleefully takes a backseat to absurdly dumb broalogue, hackneyed late night commercial interruptions, cameos galore and gore that gushes like a beer right before a proper shotgun."
That's right, broalogue. During Friday's screening, Patton Oswalt will be in attendance to host/answer questions/apologize. On Saturday, you can watch with the director and cast. And on Sunday, dig into some brotastic BBQ and play Cinefamily's famous 5-minute game to decide on which other B-movie massacre you'll watch before the screening.
It's sure to be a schlocky, shocking, shitshow smorgasbord of a weekend, and you can bet your buns we'll be there.