
Are these really the LA artifacts at the Museum of Broken Relationships?

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Time Out Los Angeles editors
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/ Sascha Kohlmann

Okay, so the answer is no. Not yet, at least. Though the Museum of Broken Relationships itself is very real: The concept—to amass and display a worldwide collection of physical remainders of past and failed relationships—first played out as a traveling exhibit back in 2006, followed by a permanent brick and mortar gallery in Croatia in 2010. A second location is set to open in Hollywood this May.

Up until the grand opening, locals can donate objects for display in the museum's exhibit—anonymously, of course. Which got us thinking: What objects should we expect to see in May? What breakup stories do we already hear over and over again in LA? We came up with a few predictions based on years of experience.

Pilfered spoon: "I stole this spoon from the diner she worked at while we were dating, before she landed that commercial spot and dumped me to 'focus on her acting career.'"

In-N-Out wrapper: "Boy meets girl. Boy falls for girl. Boy takes girl to In-N-Out. Girl tells boy she's vegan. Boy eats alone."

Unpaid parking ticket: "From that time I asked him to double check the sign and he said 'I'm sure it's fine.' The last straw was when he didn't pay it."

Phone charger: "I broke things off because she lived in Santa Monica and I lived in Eagle Rock, but I held onto this car charger she bought me for the long trips back and forth."

Ticket stub from the premiere of Drive: "Ryan Gosling showed up and left with my girlfriend."

SD card: "I recently found this memory card from a photo shoot we did at El Matador beach. I should have known he was just using me for headshots."

Rock from Malibu Creek: "From the time we went hiking and he said he could never live with out me... two months before he left me for an American Apparel model."

Photo booth strips: "We used to go to dive bars all the time and get drunk and take silly photos... before I realized he had a serious drug and alcohol problem."

Snowball: "I kept this in my freezer after our trip to Big Bear. It's still as cold now as her heart was then."

Do you have a great breakup artifact? Tell us your story in the comments below.

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