
Angel City Brewery is having a snow day this Friday

Written by
Erin Kuschner
Angel City Brewery
Photograph: Jakob N. Layman | Angel City Brewery

It's a moment that, as an East Coast young'n, you live for on winter mornings. You wake up, and it's snowing—hard. You think, this could be the day, couldn't it? Couldn't it? You turn on the TV, eyes darting in mounted anticipation as a roster of school names scroll down the screen, indicating cancellations and delays and prompting the lucky chosen ones to go batshit crazy as their parents sigh in the background.

If you're a SoCal native, the idea of snow days may have been relegated to TV shows and reports from your Boston cousins while you stared longingly out the window at a cloudless, perfectly blue sky. To turn that dream into a reality—and to help East Coast transplants relive their childhood—Angel City Brewery is throwing a legit snow day, powder included. This Friday from 2-10pm, real snow will cover the brewery's parking lot, where you can sip on hot toddies from Greenbar Distillery and beer specials from Angel City, nosh on comfort food from Chili Philosopher, Downtown Dogs and Sweet E's, and throw snowballs at your mortal enemies. After you've had your fill of snowmen and snow angels and daring your friends to stick their tongue to a frozen pole, head inside for a beer by a faux fireplace to watch game shows, play board games and catch a screening of The Goonies at 3pm. Bands The Anti-Job and Del Champion, along with a few other yet-to-be-announced performers, will be providing live music to reinforce the fact that this is totally worth playing hooky on a Friday afternoon for.

Can you wear your parka? Hell yeah, you can. Boots, gloves, earmuffs, you name it. Admission is free, and you can find out more information here.

Want to visit more of LA's best breweries? Check out our list—they're all worth a visit, snow day or not.

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