
Amazon Prime Now's 60-minute delivery available in Los Angeles

Written by
Seth Kelley

The next time you run out of milk, shampoo or toilet paper, you're in luck: Amazon Prime Now's 60-minute shipping has officially arrived in Los Angeles.

The online marketplace has established three Prime hubs around the city, and one in Orange County. This means that anyone in LA can use the service, and it also extends to our friends in Santa Monica, Redondo Beach, Irvine and other locations. The local hubs can ship using one-hour delivery, which costs $7.99, or two-hour delivery for free. Shipping is available from 8am until midnight, seven days a week.

Amazon Prime Now is part of an annual $99 subscription that already allowed unlimited free 48-hour shipping to anywhere in the country, access to the Amazon Prime streaming service and more. So if you were hesitating on shelling out to see what all this "Transparent" fuss is about, this new service provides even more incentive (besides, the show is really good and you should watch it).

What's more, people who subscribe will soon be able to get delivery from local stores like Sprouts Farmers Market, Bristol Farms, 99 Ranch Market and Fresh & Easy.

This one-hour shipping service through Amazon Prime Now started December 2014 in Manhattan, but has since expanded to over a dozen cities around the country, so you have access to it if you're traveling. You use the service through the Prime Now app, which is available for iOS and Android. With just a few swipes, you can select what you want and track the shipping process as well. Guess it’s about time to get that toilet paper.

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