For the past three years, Alone: An Existential Haunting] has been freaking out brave Angelenos in a psychological, must-enter-alone immersive theater experience every Halloween. This year, the people who put it on are starting the scares early: this summer.
Alone will stage a series called "Unweave the Rainbow," including four events all on the theme of light. The first in the series, "Diffusion," will take place June 25-27, followed by "Refraction" (August), "Reflection" (September) and "Absorption" (October). Tickets are on sale now for Diffusion for $20 or $25 at the door, and the experience will take place somewhere unannounced in Hollywood. If you're really ready to commit to the whole series, you can buy a pass for all four experiences now for $100.
What's this all about anyways? It's difficult to say, but Alone describes "Unweave The Rainbow" as "four experiments in human emotion that explore interaction. When light encounters an object, one of four actions occur; diffusion, refraction, reflection and absorption." It's a ", fully-immersive and existential experience that explores the range of human emotions. Presenting itself in a variety of configurations, Alone explores the complex folds of the human psyche, placing you as the participant within dreams and fantasies and nightmares that you may have had and within those that you definitely have not." And remember—you're going through this alone, not surrounded by a pack of your braver-than-thou friends.
The summer Alone events don't look quite as scary as the last Halloween event, but still there's this warning: "Your body may be aggressively touched and moved or tenderly embraced or be utterly left displaced and alone."
This video won't really clear anything up either, but it does look cool and upbeat.
ALONE - Unweave the Rainbow from Ryan Connor on Vimeo.