O.J. Simpson may be sitting in a jail cell somewhere in Nevada, but that doesn't mean he's not still impacting people. His latest influence is taking shape in the form of David McMillan's new play Watching O.J., currently on stage at LA's Atwater Village Theatre.
As most of us know (or at least we hope you know) Simpson was accused of murdering his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. But this play doesn't get much into the details of that, or the most infamous high-speed car chase in history—in fact, O.J. Simpson isn't even a character in the show. Instead, the plot explores the day the verdict was released in a Los Angeles courtroom and how people across the city reacted.
Directed by Keith Szarabaika and presented by Ensemble Studio Theatre/LA, the play has a star-studded cast including Robert Gossett (The Closer), Lisa Renee Pitts (Straight Outta Compton) and well-known stage actress Angela Bullock, among others.
To learn more about the production, hear it from the playwright's own words below.

Watching O.J. runs through November 15. Showtimes are 8pm Friday and Saturday and 2pm Sunday. Tickets are available online.