
8 signs you're falling in love with Los Angeles

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Obnoxious LA
city, los angeles
Photograph: Michael Juliano | You're definitely falling for this town.

In the words of Sir Randy Newman, "Everybody's very happy. 'Cause the sun is shining all the time. Looks like another perfect day. I love LA." Heeding those words, here are the 8 signs that you're falling in love with LA. 

1. You don't mind when there's a 'No Left Turn' sign because you get to see more of your beautiful city by making three right turns.

2. You can appreciate our multicolored sunsets even though you know those colors are being caused by pollution.

3. You apply for that apartment next to the 405 because the sound of cars rushing along a freeway lulls you to sleep.

4. You’re okay sitting in traffic on the 10 because you’re listening to a riveting public radio broadcast on KPCC about overpopulation and urban sprawl in Los Angeles.

5. You've gotten over your fear of getting trichinosis at the taco truck and go there on a weekly basis.

6. You don't mind hitting a pothole on Vermont Ave. because it helps dislodge that lip gloss that got stuck between your car seat.

7. You don't mind when your neighbors play music so loud it shakes the building because you know it's preparing you for the next Big One.

8. You like the challenge of finding parking at Runyon because you know it's extra adrenaline for your hike.

On the flip side, here are 7 signs that LA is just not that into you. Love hurts.

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