
8 resolutions for single girls in LA

Written by
Erin O'Brien
Single, and ready to mingle. Get at us, 2015.
Photograph: Jakob N. Layman | Single, and ready to mingle. Get at us, 2015.

Each year, I am my best self the first 10 days of January, but from then on it’s a slow decline. I make the standard resolutions about diet and exercise, but before I know it, my "cheat day" becomes my "cheat year" and my "fat jeans" are just my jeans. This year in addition to traditional resolutions (i.e. setting myself up for failure), I’m taking a look at my dating life. It’s a new year and I, for one, am ready to leave the ghosts of bad dates past in 2014. They say you have to make change to see change, so I’ve made a list of resolutions for single girls like myself here in Los Angeles.

1. Get offline. Give your thumbs a break from swiping and think of new ways you could meet people in real life.

2. Get online. If you’re not meeting anyone when you’re out-and-about, try online dating.

3. Make the first move. Give 'ladies first' a new meaning and ask out your crush, initiate texting or approach that babe at the bar.

4. Be realistic. This applies to everything from expectations (i.e. one-night-stands usually don’t turn into relationships) to geography (i.e. can you tolerate the traffic that comes with dating someone on the Westside if you live in Echo Park?).

5. Give your date a chance. Don’t write them off because of something superficial, and try not to roll your eyes when you find out your date is an actor, comedian or musician. When in Rome...

6. Date sans booze. Dating has become synonymous with "grabbing drinks." LA is rife with date spots that aren’t bars! Plus, you’ll get a better sense of your compatibility without the false confidence.

7. Quit playing games. It’s an epidemic in LA and beyond. Be part of the cure!

8. Stop texting your exes. Enough said?

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