
8 love lessons from 'Full House'

Written by
Erin O'Brien
full house, painted ladies
Photograph: Courtesy of Brendan Bell/Flickr | It's back... and fuller than ever.

My wildest childhood dreams are coming true, Full House is coming back! Next summer on Netflix, we’ll all get to reunite with DJ, Stephanie and Kimmy during 13 episodes of the spin-off, Fuller House.

Check out John Stamos' announcement on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

To honor this heartwarming news, here are eight lessons about love from the Tanner crew.

1. Some guys are jerks, but it will be okay. DJ’s first boyfriend dumped her for the “prettier” Kathy Santoni (who ended up pregnant her senior year). If a guy’s that shallow, you’re better off anyway.

2. Sisters before misters. DJ totally forgot about Kimmy’s 16th birthday because she got so wrapped up in her date with Steve. She had to scramble at the last minute to get it together. Love is love, but a girl's sweet 16 isn't to be neglected.

3. Hug it out. No heart-to-heart was complete without a hug in the Tanner family.

4. You don’t have to get married to grow up. Stephanie wanted to move out of the house because she was feeling ignored and left out as the middle child. So of course, her solution was to get her friend Harry to marry her. As it turns out, her family did care abut her (shocker!) and they hugged it out. Moral of the story? Marriage isn't always the answer. 

5. Don’t Go Skydiving Before Your Wedding. Duh, Uncle Jesse!

6. Breakups can be civil. DJ decided she needed some time on her own to figure out who she was, without Steve. Mature move, girl—although I wouldn't advise breaking up with someone while you’re standing on a cliff.

7. You will “see” your ex everywhere. Remember when the family went to Disney World and DJ kept thinking she saw Steve, but it was actually just Aladdin? It’s totally normal to hallucinate after a breakup.

8. And, the perfect response to jerks. HOW RUDE!

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