So after endless sifting through apartment listings, you’ve finally latched onto an apartment and find yourself in a new neighborhood. Now what? Don’t worry, we’re here to walk you through the stages of moving to a new neighborhood.
1. “What have I done?” Moving to a new neighborhood always sounds exciting until the part where you have to actually move. As you’re circling your apartment wondering where all this stuff came from, the actual move can feel overwhelming.
2. ”How do I get to _____ from here?” Unless you’re extremely side-street savvy, a new neighborhood means being lost for a good month. And it doesn’t help when Waze takes you on a different route to work everyday.
3. “How am I supposed to park my car here?” If you’re lucky enough to rent a place in LA with a parking space included, the chances of getting in and out of it will be a delicate art. You’ll get the hang of it eventually, but you’ll have to add 10 extra minutes to your commute for the first few weeks. And don’t expect any of your friends to come visit you because the street parking around your apartment probably sucks.
4. “Can we walk there?” LA may be known for being unwalkable but it’s just not true. There are always little gems in walking distance and, hey, the less you have to move your car the better.
5. “Honey, I’m home.” Pretty soon you’ll be whirling around your new neighborhood with pride. When you first catch yourself complaining about all the hipsters moving in to the area, you’ll know you’re home.