
5 LA date ideas you may want to avoid this Valentine’s Day

Written by
Jake Craney
Make your valentine happy and avoid traffic this weekend.
Photograph: Courtesy of Prayitno/Flickr | Make your valentine happy and avoid traffic this weekend.

Ah yes, Valentine’s Day is upon us. All around the southland you can hear the collective groan of men, the giddy anticipation of women and the dance-party celebrations of florists. There are many different options to treat your loved one on this day, and many predictable pitfalls to avoid. Here are several played-out dates that will help you avoid huge crowds, a little bit of history-based depression and yes, a food-based reversal of fortune. 

Keep in mind...these are all really good date ideas...just not necessarily on a Valentine's Day that falls on a beautiful Saturday in LA.

1. Hiking Runyon Canyon

This idea may pop into your head as a nice pre-dinner activity to get the blood flowing, but Runyon on Valentine’s Day will be more packed than a Taylor Swift concert. Unless you want your conversation constantly interrupted by joggers, strollers and packs of loud roving women outfitted head-to-toe in Lululemon, try another one of LA’s beautiful hikes instead.

2. Dinner and a movie

Seriously? Are you getting ready for your 9th grade final exams? Yes, that’s exactly what women want – an unoriginal man paired with 3 silent hours in a dark room avoiding eye contact. Shake things up!

3. A super-depressing museum date

Museums are great. However, if romance is top-of-mind, then you may need to think through what you're getting yourself into. For instance, if you're up for a naked scavenger hunt at the Getty, then fantastic! However, if you're without a plan, then meandering through an establishment and staring at a violent massacre from the Ming Dynasty may not exactly incite the libido.

4. Trying out that hot new restaurant…across town

No-brainer folks, it’s LA. Streets will be flooded with diners. Unless you want to fiddle through one of LA’s four radio stations while you crawl along the 10 to find one of the 12 songs they play, try one of the million restaurants in your area, and it’ll almost certainly be nice – perfect for a romantic stroll. You can also impress your significant other by cooking a nice meal yourself, just do yourself and your partner a favor and stay away from an unintended road trip.

5. Visiting the Santa Monica Pier

This also goes for the Venice PierRedondo PierHermosa PierMalibu Pier or any pier in general. Yes, it’s sunny and warm…but you won’t be the only one with that clever idea. Halfway through your Ferris wheel ride, funnel cake, and hot dog on a stick, you’ll realize that the combination of these three things isn't always pretty — especially, for such a romantic occasion.

Check out the good Valentine's Day ideas around LA and if you love LA as much as we do, check out the 18 reasons LA is our valentine. You can probably relate.

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