
20 mouthwatering Instagram food photos from Coachella 2016

Written by
Erin Kuschner
Photograph: Jakob N. Layman

Guys, you know how to eat. We thought we had done some culinary damage this past weekend at Coachella—as evidenced by the best things we ate and drank at the festival—but a quick scroll through Instagram and it's clear that everyone was taking advantage of the fantastic vendors. But don't take our word for it—see for yourself. Here are 20 Instagram photos that have us wondering, "Is it lunchtime yet?" 



A photo posted by SCOTT AFTERS. Afters Ice Cream (@scottafters) on


On a foodie high 😍 A Coachella MUST @andythenguyen #afters #milkybun #taro #coachellaeats #fruitypebbles #YUMDIARIES

A photo posted by theyumdiaries (@theyumdiaries) on


The full package 😏🌭 #sumodog #coachella

A photo posted by @misscutiefoodie on


It was an insane weekend of great music and #coachellaeats at @coachella! 🌴🎡 I'll be showing you what I grubbed on during Weekend 1 as I go through Coachella withdrawals... 😓 One thing you can count on in your Coachella diet are some fries 🍟 Here are some Loaded Monster Fries from Monster Fries 👹🍟 Garlic fries topped with nacho cheese, sour cream, bacon and cilantro 🐷 Added some of their slaw to this one to get my serving of veggies 🍃 Follow @coachellaeats to see more food from Coachella and add me on Snapchat to see all the Coachella eats I got yesterday NOW LIVE 👻 📷: @dailyfoodfeed 📍: #MonsterFries @coachella #⃣: #dailyfoodfeed #coachellaeats 👻: Snapchat dailyfoodfeed 👇 TAG YOUR FRIENDS 👇

A photo posted by Home of #DailyFoodFeed (@dailyfoodfeed) on


Just enjoying a little festival pad thai. #coachella #foodie #feedme #festivalfood #eatin #noodling #coachellafood 🍝

A photo posted by AndieLand (@tastesofcalifornia) on


Hung out at the coolest party of Coachella @revolve with my girls @jademunster & @corkydutch #revolvefestival

A photo posted by JULIE SARIÑANA (@sincerelyjules) on


Vegan chocolate donuts from @donutfarmla at coachella this past weekend #coachellafood #coachellaweekendone #coachellafood

A photo posted by B O U L D E R, C O (@foodie_boco) on


Strange combo, but I liked it. #dontgohangry #coachella2016 #coachellafood #pizza

A photo posted by @dontgohangry on


#Coachella is killin it with their food options 🙋✌🏻️ --- much needed salad after all the pizza 🙌🙌

A photo posted by J o c e l y n (@chicandsweaty) on


Strong start to Day 3. And yes, those are potato chips. 🙌🙌🙌 @gdbroburger #coachella #coachillin #coachellafood

A photo posted by Food is the New Rock (@foodisthenewrock) on


I love Coachella VIP foods😍🍣🍹🎼 #Coachella #week1 #day1 #VIP #foodie #kazunori #hanjip #ramen

A photo posted by Majes Wei (@majeswei) on

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