LA, we're so in love with you. Whether we're single or engaged, natives or recently transplanted, there's no city we'd rather be in on Valentine's Day (or any other day, for that matter). You're a total babe, and here are just a handful of reasons we want you for our date this February 14.
1. You've got such a sunny disposition.
2. You always smell nice—like citrus and eucalyptus with just a hint of marijuana.
3. You wake us up with a sunrise over the mountains and cap off the evening with a sunset over the ocean.
4. You know how to keep things casual.
5. You're always bringing us flowers, like, every day, for no reason.
6. You help us stay in shape by having fun. We love hiking, biking and surfing with you.
7. You like to watch (and win) sports.
8. We could write song after song about you (in fact, here are a few good ones).
9. You help us with our grocery shopping, dropping oranges, lemons and avocados in our yards.
10. You're a cheap date that's down with delicious taco trucks and fun free things to do.
11. You (barely ever) rain on our parade.
12. You're always willing to accommodate our complicated, hormone-free, vegan, nut-free, gluten-free diet.
13. You're incredibly good looking, and also funny, artistic and cultured.
14. Did we mention how good looking you are?
15. You love long walks on the beach.
16. We love your curves (you know, your mountains and freeways).
17. You're never cold and frigid, but sometimes you're hot and breezy, and we like it that way.
18. We certainly don't mind bringing you home to our mother... er, bringing our mother home to you.
Written by Time Out staff, edited by Kate Wertheimer.