
15 random acts of LA kindness

Written by
Time Out Los Angeles editors
Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Shaun Boyte

It's Random Acts of Kindness Day! Take a minute to celebrate the LA way with one of these random acts of sweet selflessness only possible in the City of Angels. Then pat yourself on the back and treat yo self to a latte/juice/cocktail—you deserve it for being so kind. 

1. Let someone cut in front of you on the 101. Then do it again.

2. Walk down Sunset Boulevard, or any street near you, and refill all the almost-empty meters.

3. Use your TAP card to pay the bus fare for the person behind you.

4. Offer to take a picture of the tourist group awkwardly trying to take a selfie at Griffith Observatory.

5. Point the bartender toward someone who's been waiting for a drink longer than you have.

6. Tell the farmers' market vendor to keep the change.

7. Pick up trash during your walk along the beach.

8. Indulge someone in their description of how they took the 110 to the 405 to the 101 to the blah blah blah.

9. Actually stop and pay a dollar to have your photo taken with a Hollywood Boulevard character, no matter how ratty they look.

10. If you're an Uber or Lyft driver, give someone a ride for free.

11. ...Or if you're an Uber or Lyft rider, tip your driver triple what you normally would.

12. Give an acquaintance a ride to LAX... yes, we said acquaintance, not friend and even if it's during commute traffic.

13. Give an umbrella or tent to a homeless person—it's supposed to rain tonight.

14. Let someone take your epic parking spot, even though you could probably walk to where you're going.

15. If you're not into randomness acts of kindness, participate in one of the many volunteer opportunities in LA.

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