
12 ways to feel like a kid again in Los Angeles

Written by
Kate Wertheimer
Photograph: Jakob N. Layman | EightyTwo

Remember those carefree days of childhood? Yeah, we don't really either. But we know they totally happened, and we're determined to get that feeling back. We may not be kids anymore, but we can certainly act like kids, and Los Angeles offers plenty opportunity for us grownups to get silly. Here, our 12 favorite ways to feel like a kid again in LA.

1. Splash around barefoot in the Grand Park fountain—who cares if your pantsuit gets a little wet?

2. Fork over $33 bucks and slide down the glass Skyslide atop the US Bank building. (Remember when mom and dad used to foot the bill?)

3. Chase after that tinny ice cream truck sound and treat yourself to a rocket pop.

4. ...Or, indulge in the grownup version with a boozy otter pop from Church Key.

5. Speaking of boozy grownup versions, head to Eighty Two or Button Mash for some old-school arcade games with a side of craft beer and cocktails.

6. Spend allllll day at Disneyland.

7. Or see a Disney movie at El Capitan, and sing along to every word (we know you still know 'em). 

8. Race your friends at Speedzone, or jump around for hours at Sky Zone. Kids love zones, apparently.

9. Grab a wacky soda pop flavor (or four) from Galco's Soda Pop Stop.

10. Check out LA's best comic book stores (they also have graphic novels, if you wanna get sophisticated about it).

11. Get that free-wheeling playground high at Muscle Beach, where friendly beefcakes can help you on the rings and monkey bars that were so easily mastered back when you weighed 65 pounds.

12. We can't think of a more pure, childlike joy than the particular joy that comes from playing with puppies and kittens. And when you're done acting like a kid, you might just consider adopting. (A puppy, that is!)

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