L.A.'s history with burgers is a long one, tracing back more than a century to when the beloved handheld meal was but a humble "Hamburg Beef Steak." And boy, have we come a long way. Some of the first restaurants to serve them simply placed ground beef between two buns, but today, you can find burgers piled high with cheese, caramelized onions, bacon, more burgers, gourmet sauces and farm-fresh produce. The possibilities are endless, and here in L.A. that's especially true. That's why we need your help.
We're looking for the best burger in all of Los Angeles—a total feat in one of the biggest and best burger-loving cities in America. We narrowed the list down to 50 of our faves and had you vote to whittle it down to our finalists. Now, on September 24, our contenders will battle for the title. The best part? You can be there to sample them all. Who will reign victorious? How many burgers can you possibly eat? Find out in September.