Naomi Schimek of the Spare Room
What's your drink of choice?
I love a well made Sherry Cobbler. For a busy lady like myself who doesn't always have time to sit down to a proper lunch, or lunch at all, this classic cocktail is pure heaven as an aperitif at dusk.
What's your favorite cocktail ingredient?
Bitters—I would be quite lost without them.
What trend would you like to see go away?
Using molecular mixology techniques on menus as a gimmick rather than using a certain method only because it works the best for that particular drink, whatever it may be.
What's the most underrated cocktail or ingredient?
A smile. Happy bartenders make happy drinks.
What's the drink to order at the Spare Room?
We do a version on the Hollywood classic Moscow Mule that our clientele loves. It's quite spicy with more heat from the ginger than most other variations out there.
Best pickup line you've heard at a bar?
A respectful man who has confidence and good intentions will never use them. The others I tune out.
What's the craziest thing you've seen happened at the bar?
Our staff prides itself on the fact that our celebrity clientele feels comfortable and safe here. I've got some crazy stories I'll never tell.
What's on your playlist?
I'm listening to Mancini as we speak. I adore almost all types of music—my playlist is obscenely huge and I could never choose a favorite band or song. I'm lucky to get to see all the very best local LA bands up close through the Spare Room Live Music Series.
What are your favorite bars?
Current favorite bar which recently opened is Acabar.
What your favorite places to eat late night?
For late night eats you can't beat Pacific Dining Car. Also, Thai Town has a lot of good places open until 4am.
Where was your first kiss?
On the lips.