Photograph: Jakob N. Layman
Photograph: Jakob N. Layman |

Dave Fernie

Dave Fernie of Pour Vous



Dave Fernie of Pour Vous, Honeycut

What's your drink of choice?
I'm always into daiquiris—they're simple and delicious and usually a decent barometer of whether or not a barman has any clue of what he or she is doing.

What's your favorite cocktail ingredient?
I always find myself using quinquinas, pineapple juice, salt. And orgeat—that's always a good time.

What trend would you like to see go away?
Pretension has no place in cocktail culture, or anywhere for that matter. And bartenders and customers alike are guilty of it.

What's the most underrated cocktail or ingredient?
Eau de Vies. People don't use these enough and there are some amazing things out there. Someone needs to start importing Picon too.

What's the drink to order at one of your bars?
At Honeycut, my favorite menu cocktail is the Slippery Slope. Alex Day's creation blends eau de vie, vermouth, lime and absinthe. It's refreshing and delicious. If you luck into it and make it in on a day when we have some clarified citrus, you're in for a real treat.

What's the best pickup line you've heard at a bar?
My buddy Tim Heller, who works at Tony's in the Arts District once used an amazing line on a customer who was trying to sign a credit card receipt. She couldn't get the pen to work so he gave her another one and a piece of paper and suggested that she "write down her number or something to see if it works." She was so wrapped up in getting the pen to work that she actually did it, and didn't realize until after. He Jedi mind-tricked her into giving him her number—it was fascinating to watch.

What are some bar faux pas?
Flip-flops are always wrong after the sun goes down, unless you're on the beach. It's always cringe-worthy when a tactless couple sit at the bar and make out. Abscond to a banquette or something—I'm not here to watch you guys suck face.

What's on your playlist?
The new Drake album is pretty tight. Especially that song "All Me". Actually, that stuff is fun but, honestly, I've been listening to a lot of old jams that I was into in college. When we're setting up the bar its like all Brand New and Taking Back Sunday and Piebald—don't judge us.

What are your favorite bars?
My favorite bar is probably Tiki-Ti. Love that place.

What are your favorite places to eat late night?
I gotta go with the taco truck on Western and Santa Monica—pastor tacos and trannies for the win!

Where was your first kiss?
The back of my mom's 1980 Cutlass station wagon. Her name was Emily, she was my best friend, she slapped me. So, nothing much has changed for me on the women tip.

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