Londoners tend to be a pretty cynical bunch. Normally the mere mention of enforced romance is enough to make the average city dweller’s eyes roll back so violently into their head it causes a permanent strain to their optic nerve.
But there's something special about Valentine's Day. This isn't some Hallmark-manufactured fake holiday designed to part us from our hard-earned cash (although admittedly it's pretty good at doing that). Its origins date back to an Ancient Roman festival celebrating emerging from the grim winter darkness ahead of Spring’s bonanza of new life. Then the Christian church muscled in 600 years ago to attach the name of the mysterious Saint Valentine, who besides being the patron saint of epileptics, beekeepers and victims of the bubonic plague, is best known as a heavenly advocate for loved-up couples. Nowadays there are all sorts of romantic traditions associated with the annual Feast of St Valentine, from having flowers and choccies delivered to your sweetheart to sending anonymous cards to your crushes.
London is predictably full of fun things to do this Valentine’s Day (which is Friday February 14 if you’re disorganised enough not to know this already). There are slap-up dinners for two, classic rom-com screenings, romance-themed comedy nights and novelty pink and/or heart-shaped versions of all our most hyped dishes. And if you’re not currently boo-ed up, there’s loads for you as well, from speed-dating events and singles nights to ‘Palentines’ celebrations bigging up platonic love and ‘anti-Valentine’s’ happenings for those who find it all just a bit too saccharine.
However you want to celebrate (or send up) the most romantic day of the year, London has you covered. Read on for some inspo.
Recommended: Here are the best things to do in London this February