
Amanda Ross-Ho: Time Waits for No one

4 out of 5 stars
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Time Out says

Whether in the form of a single painted canvas or a careful arrangement of found, personal and constructed objects, the works in this exhibition by LA-based artist Amanda Ross-Ho immediately made me think of non-linear representations of intriguing short stories – you can see that all the different elements relate to each other in some way, you’re just not sure how to put the narrative together.

In ‘Drying Rack with Footlocker Bag’, for example, Ross-Ho presents an old wooden drying rack, on which are pegged strips of raw canvas, a black rectangle of pegboard and one cream and one black hair elastic. Next to that sits a black-and-white striped bag in which the artist has placed stacks of grey, handmade paper, recycled, we are told, from the junk mail originally kept in it. A lump of grey graphite rock is placed next to that. So far, so tasteful and monochrome. But the ordered mood is then totally thrown by the hanging above it all of a framed portrait photograph of a rather startled looking baby, titled ‘Comedy’.

Elsewhere the fabric of the gallery itself is co-opted into the narrative. The room’s windows, radiator and plug sockets have each been covered by a white painted canvas creating, by default, a self-contained, minimalist painting display. On second thoughts, perhaps these are less narratives in a story than clues in a puzzle, with a reminder in the giant-size embroidery of the title, which hangs ominously at the end of the gallery, that you may not have forever to work it out.


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