The Ice Cream Girls

The Ice Cream Girls

Fri Apr 19, 9-10pm, ITV

Episode one
Based on Dorothy Koomson’s novel, this is the latest in a respectable line of ITV mystery adaptations. Lorraine Burroughs is Serena, a woman returning with her family with her home town to care for her elderly mother. She harbours a dark secret to do with an old school teacher – but will her past catch up with her? With an old friend called Poppy (Jodhi May) just released from prison, there’s every chance.

A pleasing level of ambiguity sustains this opening episode – Serena is a likeable character and the real degree of guilt she bears for the crime is far from clear at this point. The chain of events which contrive to bring Serena and Poppy back into each other’s orbit starts to feel a little tortured by the end but even so, this is promisingly atmospheric and enigmatic fare.
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