The Apprentice: the Final
The Apprentice | |
The Apprentice | |

The Apprentice: the Final

Wed Jul 17, 8-10pm, BBC1

Series nine, episode 14
You couldn’t call it heartwarming, but it’s vaguely encouraging to note how this year’s finalists have finally acquainted themselves with the concept of self-discovery over the course of the process. Not that this stops them both from dominating their past conquests, as Alex, Zee, Jason et al return to help them launch their business ideas before industry experts.

The finale – including ‘You’re Hired’ at 9pm – gets off to a flier, as one candidate lands their preferred teammates, leaving the other with a fistful of short straws. From then on, it’s disappointingly competent, a few flashes of vanity and stubbornness (and a burst of ‘Orinoco Flow’) aside. Even Alex’s promises of a ‘tasteful and professional’ promotional video don’t fall too wide of the mark. It culminates in an unusually good-natured boardroom – for once, the winner looks likely to be a deserving one.
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