

Thu Oct 10, 9-10pm, ITV

Episode one
It’s 1961 and at first glance, ‘Breathless’ seems to be going for a sort of ‘Mad Men’ on meds vibe. But even if it ends up closer to ‘Call the Midwife’ after a good rummage around in a vintage shop, there’s plenty to recommend this new six part drama.

Created by Paul Unwin, ‘Breathless’ is set in an busy gynaecology unit, all the better to animate the various social and political fault lines of its era. Through ambiguous abortionist Otto Powell (the dashing Jack Davenport), struggling anaesthetist Dr Enderbury and saintly Nurse Wilson, we’re set to explore World War II’s lingering echoes, the birth pangs of the NHS, the encroaching counter culture of the ’60s and various issues of race, gender and class.

At the moment, the characters still feel like symbols of the various issues at stake. But assuming they’re allowed to breathe, this could develop nicely. Not essential at this stage but probably worth persevering with.
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