Oscar Pistorius: What Really Happened?

Oscar Pistorius: What Really Happened?

Mon Mar 11, 9-10pm, BBC3

Satirical news website ‘The Onion’ really surpassed itself the other week with an article bearing the headline ‘Burglar hiding in Pistorius’s bathroom figures now probably best chance to escape’. We’re not really expecting any similar revelations from this film which, despite its carrot-dangling title can only really be a speculative and hastily assembled recap of recent tragic events.

What exactly went on at Chez Pistorius on that fateful February night? Clearly, it’s much too early to say – the issue will be explored in a presumably lengthy trial later this year which, one assumes, will be minutely described by the ambulance chasers of the world media. So is there much point in this programme? Inevitably, no preview material was available so we can’t say for sure. But we suspect it would be more sensible to hold fire (sorry) until more actual facts are in the public domain. One for rubberneckers only.
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