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Why we’ve changed our logo to Time In – for now

How we’re still going to bring you the best of London, even while you’re at home

Joe Mackertich

Dear London,

As you know, usually all we do is bang on about how great it is to go out. However, the government has made it clear that pubs, bars, cafes and all the rest are very much off limits for the moment.

So, just for a little while, we're not going to be Time Out. We're Time In.

We're still obsessed with showing you the best of what London can offer. But for the minute, the best of what London can offer is happening indoors or at the other end of a webcam. We're going to help bring a little bit of London into your living room. Hopefully it's been sterilised.

It's also important to me that London's fantastic venues know that we're on their side. Quite frankly, right now is a shit time to be a small cafe, niche gallery, indie cinema or specialist shop in London. We will continue championing the independent businesses across the capital, that make London the brilliant city that it is. If you have stuff happening and you want people to know about it, get in touch at We'll help in any way we can.

To everyone reading: London has faced far worse than this. Our city's history is a litany of cataclysms. Fires, plagues, riots and war. In every incidence we have emerged stronger. London's greatest asset is its people, a hotchpotch of cultures and influences. As long as we look to each other for strength, reassurance and humour, nothing can defeat the city. Love each other and stay safe.

Joseph Mackertich

For more helpful coronavirus info in London

  • Travel

To check the current coronavirus measures and travel guidelines for your country, click here. If you’ve caught the news recently, you’re probably wondering whether coronavirus is going to shake up your day-to-day life. So far the virus has spread across six continents, and it seems inevitable the threat will increase across the UK, the US and Australia over the coming weeks. We’ve put together this handy FAQ to bring you some help, tips and perspective.

  • Things to do

Here at Time Out, we’re all about helping you experience the best of the city. At the same time, organisers of many large-scale events in London are currently taking appropriate precautions in light of the coronavirus outbreak that could hamper your adventures in the city. To help keep you up to date, we’ve collated a list of all the major event cancellations related to the coronavirus in London. 

  • Things to do

Just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t immerse yourself in the best music, theatre, film, art, food and drink that London has to offer. In our comprehensive round-up of the best ways to pass your days at home, we’ve taken into account your thirst for culture and your love of the kind of lifestyle London can afford you – an exciting one. 

    London for less
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