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The Travel Photographer of the Year Festival of Photography and World Travel is holding a series of talks, workshops and other events on the following dates. Sep 25: 'Exploring Photography and Travel Day', with talks by Steve Bloom, Julian Paren, Nick Meers and others, as well as a panel discussion, 'Women in Travel', about the achievements of contemporary women travel photographers; Oct 2: 'Wild Day', including a talk about adventure and extreme photography with Martin Hartley, Craig Churchill on photographing wildlife and nature and Jason Hawkes on shooting aerial images; Oct 16: 'People and Cultures Day', with Dale Templar on the BBC's 'Human Planet', Steve Bloom on his travels and photography in Africa, Eamonn McCabe on photographing people and a panel discussion about the impact of growing human populations on wildlife habitat and migration routes. There's also an opportunity to book a portfolio review (£15 in addition to ticket price).
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