If you spend 49 weeks of the year counting down the days until the next Tour de France, then this Fan Park is the place for you. For the final week in the race, which this year celebrates its centenary, you'll be able to watch the stages on a humongous 40m screen (that's the height of nearly nine double decker buses!) from 2pm every day with guest commentators popping by. Plus, pop-up stalls from British Cycling's Breeze – campaigners to get more women out on bikes – who'll be leading a women's bike ride around the area in the week, Pro-Form offer simulated road biking, there'll be plenty of cycling gear and experts on hand to offer advice on the best equipment and clothing. Food stalls include The Jolly Hog, The Duck Truck, Bleecker Burger and more. Not to mention the Tour de France expo, which details the 100-year history of the great bike race. For more information on this free, week-long fan park, visit